
Showing posts from December, 2022


Yesterday I made a statement to my daughter that she is spending too much time on the phone. She argued back that she is spending lots of time studying and uses phone for some relaxation from the hard work. How to solve the perception difference here. We need to measure the time spent on the phone. We also need to define what is acceptable ratio of phone and study. While I was not able to solve the perception battle there, it is easier on the work front. What do you want to measure in your team? I did list some measurement in a post ten years ago. And and Lion Fable I did not go deep into the why part at that time. Let us do it now. Without knowing why and what of the measurements you will become cargo cult agile   Team Velocity While estimation is not absolute, it still gives some visibility into the effort. If you want to know how much you can deliver, then you need to know your velocity. Without knowing velocity, it is a waste of time to plan. It will be a blunder to commit to a pla

5 Why

We encounter issues in our work environments. Most of the time we just find a solution and move on. But some issues keep on repeating and need a deeper understanding. Some issues are significant and have a large impact on the business or on you. Such issues need to be dealt with in different ways. We need to find the root cause for these issues. It is always better to resolve the root cause than the symptoms of the problems. I often use the 5 whys method to perform RCA. This is simple and effective. Let us consider a simple example. Let us take an example from day-to-day life. Today I was driving bit rash and did some risky overtaking. That was really unnecessary. Let us check why I was putting myself in unnecessary danger? Why was I driving rashly? Cause: I was late for a meeting, Why was I late for the meeting? Cause: I woke up late. Why did I wake up late? Cause: I slept late yesterday. Why did you sleep late despite needing to be on time for the meeting? Cause: There was a