
Showing posts from November, 2022

Origins of process

Agile manifesto defines first value as " Individuals and interactions over processes and tools". Is this value outdated? No. It is as relevant today as it was when the agile manifesto was signed. There are few finer details of the process we forget. We need to check the origins of different processes. Why should we care about the process that much? Mainly because the process takes time from productive work. When a process is a useless chore, it eats into the morale of the team. It is like termite eating and weakening your beautiful home. Same time it also eats into team time. Darwin wrote about natural selection and survival of the fittest. Unfortunately, natural selection in the process results in survival of bad policies. By the time bad processes are recognized, the company would have incurred significant costs. We can segregate processes into two broad categories based on how they originate. This can be validated by checking the value derived from each process and polic