Handling problems


There are different ways people handle problems at workplace. Company culture and leadership contributes to this behavior. These problems can be work related or personal one’s impacting the work.

Denial mode:

Similar to popular myth ostrich hiding head in sand, people fail to acknowledge the problems. Or they act as if problem does not exist. This mode manifests in different ways as below. Some time it will be a progression from one mode to another.

Not a fact: 

Reject the problem by denying the facts of the problem. I did not see it happening. You might have missed something and assumed the issue. These are the responses one gets for raising the problem.

No impact: 

If you succeed in establishing the fact, then denial is shifted to impact. No, this won’t have any impact. Or it is simple issue. Problem is downplayed. This is denial of seriousness of the problem.

Not ours: 

Another way of denying is to give reasons. Lot of work pressure caused this issue. So it won’t be a problem in future. Or blame the process. Problem might be blamed on various things. But never acknowledge we can find a solution for this problem.

No hope: 

Showing no willingness to change to fix the problem. In this case accepting or denying existence of the problem does not matter. Person is not ready to put the effort to make a change for better.

Kill the messenger mode:

Another mode is to attack the person who raised the issue. This can happen in different ways.

Why now: 

Question the person who raised the issue. Question the timing or intention. This is a diversion tactic. Also prevents some one raising the issues in future. But kills the spirit in the organization or team. People cruise along without becoming full participants.


Give additional work to the person raising the issue. Additional work is disguised as solution. None the less it is given as a punishment to raising the problem. Again preventing future flagging of the issues.

This mode probably comes after being in denial for some time.

Leadership mode:

True leaders handle the problems differently. They listen to the problem. They make it their responsibility to solve the problem. You might get additional work. But that will be rewarding. Person raising the issue gets satisfaction of contributing to the betterment of the team or organization. There is no template for this mode. It is a cultivated habit of leaders. 


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