What is on the way?

 What is the next technology that will change our lives? 

In year 2000 Java was supposed to take over the world. Vision at that time was to have Java in all devices and it will be interconnected. Your fridge can maintain grocery list and you can place an order from fridge. Your heater can be turned on when you start for your home. Lights can be controlled remotely. 

Some of these vision are reality now. It took more than 10/20 years for them to be a reality. There is one more technology coming our way which will change the technology landscape. I am not sure when it will be widely available. I am talking about 5th generation of mobile network. 

If we go by the earlier generation it might take more than 10 years. So it might be 2030 when technology based on 5G will be a reality. It took us 10 years to move from 3G to 4G. From the challenges 5G imposes bigger challenge. It requires more cells than 4G. It is harder to have same availability indoors. I think it will be prudent for me to skip the challenges and leave them to cell companies.

With latency in range of 20-30ms promise of 5G is huge. Many of the recent innovations like VR, or lens will work with 5G. We don't need to do lot of computing in the device. It can be done in the server and rendered to the device. Experience in devices like chrome book will be lot better. 

Will 5G change the experience with netflix or spotify. Probably no. To some extent yes. But it will be a small improvement in experience. You might be able to stream better quality videos. Interactive experience will be better with 5G.

If you look closely lot of these ideas which will be a reality with 5G are not new. They were busted dotcom ideas. Lot of recent success were sold in different shape in early 2000. They went bust because they were not ready.

We will be seeing lot of new technology as 5G catches up. It may not be IOT as hyped. But there is lot of hope. Same time there can be a different tech that will upstage it.


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