Learning from mistakes - overrated?

 People learn from mistakes. Teams learn from mistakes. But they are not the same. Lesson learnt by individual does not have the same value as lesson by a team.

Teams tend to learn from the mistakes which they make or experience as a team. These mistakes result in a process to prevent recurrence of the issue. Even if the mistake does not make it to the process it  remains in collective memory of the team. People are cautious of the scenario's which caused it. 

Above picture is more opt for repeated tasks and not a good indicator for software development. I have used this picture only to indicate how teams improve quality over time with defined process or team culture. 

 Teams do not always consider the lessons from the past mistakes. These are treated as lower grade material. These lessons are from another place. Why people tend to discount the lessons from other teams. Probably optimism plays a role here. At this point I do not have a good understanding why people ignore these lessons. Add your comments what might be the reason. I will write a follow up with your comments.


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