Crisis time - an analysis

 Every software project has crisis now and then. It might be an error in production or last minute issue which is going to derail the plans. Crisis always leaves bitter taste in your mouth. 

T0: This is the time when issue is discovered. This is the time when you get that feeling in gut. Something is really wrong and you do not know what to do. It is the time when ... hits the fan. This phase may last for 1 hour to one day. Depends on the team environment and organizational culture. At the end of this phase team informs next level of management. 

T1: This is a messy phase. Now issue is escalated. People who do not know anything about the issue are involved and they try to gather information. This can also be called a stampede phase. It is a mad rush with lots of activity. Do this, try this, check this Or checklist followed, process followed etc etc. This is the phase which pulls away key players in different direction. They are not allowed to focus and find a resolution. Towards the end of this phase some one takes charge. If they are in position of power they will issue an order with clear directions to come out of the situation. If not in a position of power they will isolate from the stampede and focus on the issue. This phase can last from hours to days. 

T2: This phase information trickles in. Analysis is done why the issue happened. Doing a root cause analysis by 5 why is helpful. This leads towards the solution. Starting with the first why gives some direction for the team and brings in the focus needed to solve the issue. 

T3: This is the solution phase. Either issue is found or a workaround is decided. This starts the de-escalation of the crisis. 

A good leader takes team to T2 phase quickly. It will feel like crisis did not happen. 


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