Entire generation of IT managers set to lose jobs as frugal companies embrace automation?

Recently read an article in Economic Times Entire generation of IT managers set to lose jobs as frugal companies embrace automation . I started analyzing which areas of project management are lost to agile and which to tools (automation).

Integration Management: This is redundant to some extent because of agile adoption in projects. Also depends on the kind of projects. But in most projects which are agile we do not need a manager for this.

Scope management: When you take things in small sips, no need to worry about breaking your belly. Your system can handle the small sips easily. Scope is not an issue if you are agile.

Time management: When you are agile you build what gives more bang for the buck. There are also many tools which track remaining effort, velocity of the team which again do not need a full time manager.

Quality management: Team defining definition of done and follow do not need a person to manage quality. Team will do it.

Communication management: Agile prescribes communicate well. If team can communicate well with the product owner no need of management here. If team cannot then  solve the issue. Having a person to manage communication will be like applying a deo to stop the decay.

Cost management: This is a key area for all projects. Control the cost. This cannot be achieved with a tool. But telling the budget to the team and what is expected gives better result. Is a manager needed to manage the cost? Depends on how much is being spent. Manager also add to the cost head. Product owner is the best person to handle this.

Risk management, Human resource management, Procurement management, Stakeholder management : These need a person to manage things. Tools can help here. But a person is needed to move things. That is why SCRUM defines product owner.

My take is most projects which follow agile do not need a project manager full time. There are some areas like cost, risk and procurement which will be taken care by the product owner. 


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