
Showing posts from July, 2011

Planning in Agile projects

My last blog was about process in Agile project. Yes we need process which is agreed by the team. Similarly we need a plan which is agreed by the team. Do not confuse plan to a Gnatt chart or WBS structure with dates against each item (using a tool) . This kind of planning will not work in agile project (Probably in other areas where creative work is involved). SCRUM approach has a planning meeting called Sprint planning. This meeting involves the team members and items which are part of Sprint is decided in this meeting. Team commits to deliver these items by the end of Sprint. Be it 2, 4 or 6 weeks. Once Sprint is completed have a plan for next cycle. Sprint planning involves all the stake holders. Product owner and team. Without these two parties plan will not work. How the planning is done. Product owner does the prioritization of the tasks (items) to be completed. Ideally tasks which have high returns are taken on priority. Then the team discuss which items can be taken during the