Process in Agile projects

Agile manifesto tells Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. People often mistake this as no process in agile projects. Some agile practitioners (!) also believe this. They also miss first part of the manifesto Individuals and interactions.
Wikipedia defines process as "Act of taking something through an established and usually routine set of procedures or steps". There is value in process and Agile projects also need process. What agile tells is process should not undermine Individuals and interactions. It is people who create software. They need interaction to understand what is required to be developed.
Any team needs some time for forming. Till team is normalized it is better to take help of a process. Take precaution not to force a process on to the team. Team should form their own process. Let the team decide a time for the stand up meeting. Let the team decide the iteration duration along with the customer. Team should decide  Once this process is defined to stick to it till the team decides to change it. Don't let the process fade out. Any process defined by the team should be changed only by the team.
Agile Teams rely on constant feedback. For constant feedback there should be a process which gives the feedback. Do not undermine this process. Define the goal of the project and let the team decide how they will achieve it. They will define the process. They will follow it. It is a team work. What is missed in non agile projects is process is defined by a project manager. Manager is responsible to deliver the project. Where as in agile team is responsible. Manager is responsible for the team but not directly to delivery.


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