Missing link

Last Sunday morning I went to gym. After working out I came out to find one tire was punctured. Just out of the gym and with the macho spirit I replaced the tire. Then reached home some 15 minutes late. My wife was waiting for me and she was angry. We are going to be late for the function we were attending. I started telling her all about punctured tire and how I replaced it. I was expecting some appreciation for my effort in replacing the tire. But all I got was “You could have called me? I could have picked you up and later we could have fixed your car.”

This also happens in projects. We do lots of things for the customer. But if there is a small delay customer is upset. Same happens here. Missing item is communication. If you just mention to the customer we just added this feature. But it is breaking your main function. Customer may not be upset as much. But no communication and missing delivery will definitely upset the customer. Any gold plating will not smooth the rough edges.

One of the pillars of agile is communication. This is one of the criteria for successful execution of agile project. Adequate communication is required for successful execution. You should always communicate to the product owner issues you are facing. Product owner will have an alternative which can be win-win for both parties. Unless you express your issue there is no discussion. This leaves the opportunity for a better resolution.

Any project should also have a feedback loop. This is critical for success for the project. You do it all the time. When you drive your car you are counting on the feedback you experience. If your steering wheel does not provide any resistance you will not know how much to turn. Imagine you could not feel the acceleration. You will go dangerously fast (provided you get a good road). When we are expecting everything to have an instant feedback how can we develop and application without customer feedback till the end. This is a recipe for disaster.

Project should establish a feedback loop. This is another missing link.


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