
Showing posts from April, 2010

Vendor's dilemma with Agile

Companies which use agile development for development are usually product companies. There are few odd companies which use agile for software services also. They are successful but they are not in mainstream software service business. I want to analyze why agile is not adapted in most of the offshore companies. Some reasons attributed for this are: Communication is difficult and agile requires daily communication. Agile is not suitable for offshore (outsourced) projects. Agile is for product development. Developing in agile is expensive and not cost effective. Etc…. All these do not hold good. Without communication you cannot achieve end results in any kind of development. It is proper application of agile which will prove otherwise. My reason for non adaption for agile by outsourcing companies is lack of trust and lack of understanding. To understand this we need to check the conflict of interests for customer and vendor. Developing in agile will result in these be