Is it SCRUMButt or just best practice?

There are many projects which follow few of SCRUM framework like continuous integration, daily stand up meetings, short iterations, customer demonstration etc. They do not follow the agile manifesto or not even aware of it. They follow these as best practice or learnings from a successful project.
Most of these do help the project to deliver a better product. Then why am I cribbing here?

It is the same issue of SCRUMButt. Even if these are followed as best practice or SCRUM it results in local optima.  I will bet many managers and customers are pretty happy with these. But they are missing one important point here. Local optima causes disillusionment, frustration and fatigue which is bad for any project. It demoralizes the team. After all the hard work and beautifully done application customer coming back and telling, see here I cannot use this without these changes. Now the manager comes and tells the team, guys you have  done a great job till now. We need to keep it up and change the application. Team does have an attachment to the application. They feel bad when customer tells them you have done something which I can't use.
This is the result of missing regular demo to customer (end user). You can get into trouble by not being agile. Each and every project is different. Good practices from another project might not be good for you. Your team might not have the same mindset as the other team.

It is better to follow full SCRUM rather than some. Wait till you understand SCRUM before you decide what works for you and your team can do.


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