Why agile is difficult

Agile development offers many benefits. Wherever it is followed it gives huge benefits. Still it is not used wide spread. There is lot of resistance for adapting agile.
What are causing resistance?

Courage: It requires courage to adapt agile. You are going to work in a environment full chaos (controlled chaos). You need to stand up for your work. You are responsible for the teams goal. You cannot escape by telling you did your part. Agile is a team work and you are responsible with the team.
It is very scary for many people to describe their work. SCRUM flavor of agile has meetings every day to talk about what was done yesterday? What will be done today? and Issues to be resolved to achieve it. More than 70% in the industry cannot do this. Ego issues come into play. You are not safe till test team finds issue. You are exposed daily.
But this very factor contributes to the success of the project. This brings the team closer. Non performers are forced to move out. Team will not take them along.

Commitment: There is a team commitment. Again I will derive from SCRUM flavor. SCRUM has a goal and this is agreed by the entire team. SCRUM team agrees to deliver at the end of the sprint. This is another contributor to the success of agile. This is also another reason for resistance. Some teams do not take the commitment seriously and they fail. It is not easy to commit as a team. There are lot of differences between the teams. Agile teams do keep their commitment.

Organization commitment: Third road block is the organization. Agile can remove many layers. A true agile team is self motivated and self sustainable. This scares away managers in many organization. They are no longer in the game. They cannot get into the game also. They have moved away into different area and no longer technically competent to get their hands dirty. They try to resist the change.

Business Involvement: Business wants the application fast. They want the application robust. But they usually do not want to involve in the routine. This reluctance to join the team is another issue for agile adaptation.

Open Mind: Agile needs open mind. Open mind people are difficult to find. When issues can hurt your career people tend to close their minds. Agile requires a open mind to embrace the change.


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