Power of Demo

How a demo can improve the quality of the product. It will not be significant if the demo is at end of project. But it will improve by leaps and bounds if it done every week or two weeks.
A demonstration of application is show of confidence in the product. It requires courage to stand at the center stage and show the application to customer. You need to be 100% sure things are working fine when a demo is given. This brings in a discipline of delivering what is promised. Not to over commit on delivery. This itself is a huge achievement for a project.

As a customer never hesitate to ask for a demo. If a demo is planned do not skip for any reason. If you skip it you are wasting your money.

Other benefits of a demo are you know what is developed and how it works. You can correct the course of the project at this stage only. If you find few things not necessary you can scrap them right away than spending more money on them.

Giving a demo requires some supporting work from the development team. This makes sure foundation is done and working fine every time demo is planned. You can expect wonders from these checks.

There can be some argument telling a demo every two weeks is a waste of time. This is the effort which is spent on the success of the project. This helps in reducing wastage in the future.

Be pound wise and penny foolish.


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