What is the cost of Agile project - Time

As a customer you need to spend lot of time during development with the team.
Requirement from the customer

  • Dedicated time for the project.
  • Clarifications before it is late.
  • Define requirement and participate in planning (assuming SCRUM model)
  • Regularly participate and check the progress.
  • Based on the working product define new requirement.
  • Correct the developed product in regular intervals.
This requires lot of time from the customer (product owner). Usually customer assigns a product owner who has other responsibilities. Project is secondary responsibility for this person. Time requirement for agile project will hamper the work of this person. Unless you have the commitment to see the project succeed do not go for Agile. When you have people who can decide on your behalf and they have the bandwidth to accommodate agile team's requirement only then project will succeed.


  1. You are not highlighting how time is spent on the project effects the client. Client need to have more focus on the project rather than on his primary work.


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