Benefits of Agile

What do I get by adopting Agile?

  1. Product what I want
  2. Less time for development
  3. Less cost for development
  4. Quick ROI

1. When a product is developed in Agile way customer checks the progress regularly. Customer sees the working product every release. If anything need to be changed it can be done with the next release and not after complete development.
2. Most of the products developed have around 70% features which are not used or redundant. These were defined when the customer could not visualize all the requirement. When developing in agile way features which are high priority get developed first. This way only required features get developed first and are usable from the first release.
3. When time required is less it means cost is less. Most of the time Agile teams develop pretty fast and have a better delivery capability. They do not spend time (money) on tasks which are wasteful.Many projects have ton loads of documents in repositories which are not read even once. They create documents which are necessary and used.
4. When usable software is delivered in the first release it means ROI counter is started. There are cases where a project paid for itself even before its development is complete. This might sound too good to be true. In most cases agile projects give better results than other projects.

With all these benefits why is agile not adapted?


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